Anyone with a with the capacity to act may participate in the IPS, regardless of employment, taxpayer, nationality status or age limit.
1. Can Individuals Under 18 Join the Individual Pension System (IPS)?
Yes. Under the amendment on May 25, 2021, to Law No. 4632 on Individual Pension Savings and Investment System, individuals under 18 can join the system through their legal representatives as per custody/guardianship provisions.
2. Is There a Minimum Age Limit For Individuals Under 18 in the IPS?
No, anyone can join the individual pension system, regardless of age.
3. How Can Individuals Under 18 Join the IPS?
Individuals under 18 can join the system with their legal representatives who perform transactions for and on their behalf.
Although there may be exceptions, the legal representatives are usually:
Legal representatives can start a pension scheme for individuals under 18 by meeting face-to-face with a licensed individual pension intermediary through pension companies and authorized distribution channels (banks, agencies, regional offices, call centers, websites, etc.). They can also purchase individual pension contracts through distant sales.
4. What are the Additional Documents Required for Making Contracts for Individuals Under 18?
Legal representatives and/or people who will pay the contributions, if other than the legal representatives, must present ID documents when concluding the contract. The child’s guardian can enter into an individual pension contract on behalf of the child if they present a court decision regarding their appointment by the relevant authority. The guardians should also submit a permission letter obtained from the same authority to conclude a pension contract on behalf of the child under Article 462 of the Turkish Civil Code.
5. Is there a State Contribution for the Contracts of Individuals Under 18?
Yes. State contribution is the 30-percent state-paid part of the contributions, just as in other contracts. State contribution upper limit is 30 percent of the annual gross minimum wage.
6. When Can Individuals Under 18 Retire from the IPS?
Like other participants, individuals under 18 should stay in the system for ten years from the contract date and reach 56 years old.
7. Can Individuals Under 18 pay contributions themselves?
No. Only legal representatives or contributors who are specified in the contract to make payments for and on behalf of the participants can pay contributions. Contributors should not be banned or later objected to making the payments by legal representatives. The participants may pay contributions themselves after acquiring legal capacity.
8. Who Can Exercise the Rights in Pension Contracts of Individuals Under 18? Can the Exercise of Rights Be Transferred to Contributors Making Payments for and on behalf of the Participants?
The contractual rights of individuals under 18 are exercised by parents or guardians as their legal representatives. Except for the right to leave the system and to retire, the exercise of contractual rights may be transferred to contributors who make payments for and on behalf of the participants as long as contributors should not be banned or later objected to by legal representatives.
The participants are responsible for exercising their contractual rights after acquiring the capacity to act. After earning the legal capacity, the participants may transfer their contractual rights to contributors who make payments for and on behalf of them, except for the right to leave the system and to retire.
9. Is There a Separate Regulation for Individuals Under 18 on Leaving the System?
Individuals under 18 can leave the system at any time upon application through their legal representatives as per the legislation. The participants may leave the system themselves after acquiring legal capacity.
Upon leaving, the corresponding amount is transferred into an account belonging to the participant.
10. Can Pension Contracts of Individuals Under 18 Be Seized Due to Debts of their Legal Representatives or Contributors Who Make Payments for and on behalf of Participants?
No, pension savings of participants under 18 cannot be seized due to the debts of their legal representatives or contributors who make payments for and on behalf of the participants.
You can find out about the IPS through pension companies or distribution channels such as a bank, agency, regional district, call center, website, or any place authorized by pension companies.
You may participate in the system by purchasing your contract by meeting a licensed individual pension intermediary in person or through the distant sales method.
The amendments dated May 13, 2022 on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law allowed foreign citizens to obtain Turkish citizenship by paying contributions to the IPS. Foreign citizens may now obtain Turkish citizenship by paying at least $500,000 or equivalent in another currency in contributions to the IPS and remaining on the system for at least three years.
Foreign citizens looking to gain Turkish citizenship by paying contributions to the IPS may apply to any pension company. During the application, the below information will be submitted to the pension company:
- Governorate (Provincial Directorate of Migration) that will issue the residence permit,
- Copy of passport,
- A document that commits the signatory to stay in the system for at least three years and signed petition stating that the signatory wishes to apply for citizenship.
The citizenship pension plans available to the applicant shall not include the following:
Any funds that include the terms “foreign” or “foreign borrowing instruments” in the title, including those operated on the Pension Fund Trading Platform (BEFAS).
Foreign citizens included in any citizenship plan on a contract shall be unable to do the following for the first three years:
If the Turkish Citizenship application was initiated through another investment tool, it can be pursued through the IPS. To initiate this process, all necessary information and documents, including letters of conformity by the relevant public institutions regarding the previous process, should be submitted to the relevant pension company, and the previously paid amount should be verified beyond any reasonable doubt.
The Pension Monitoring Center (PMC) shall supervise to ensure that the terms (no changes of plans, no account consolidation on retirement, no leaving the system, no transfer to another company, no purchasing of funds including the terms “foreign” or “foreign borrowing instruments”) are not violated for the first three years. Any violations shall be reported to the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency (SEDDK), the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship, the Presidency of Migration Management, and the Provincial Directorate of Migration. PMC shall report contract holders meeting the above criteria at the end of the three years to the above institutions.
When choosing your pension company:
A. Make sure to find out about their deductions.
Your pension company may make the following deductions as part of the pension contract drawn up with you:
Many of these fees vary depending on the pension company.
B. You must pay attention to the past income performance of pension mutual funds.
Contributions paid to the IPS by pension companies are invested in the pension mutual funds of the participants' choice. These funds contain investment instruments such as equities, government bonds, precious metals, etc. based on the fund type. Participants' income depends on the earnings or losses in the investment instruments of the preferred funds. It is always in the hands of the participants to determine the risks to take. The participants can choose either low-risk funds for a more secure investment or high-risk funds for higher-earning projections. You are recommended to examine short-, medium- and long-term past performances of your fund choices. Consider any additional benefits you may be offered.
C. Pay should be based on the service variety and quality offered by the pension companies.
Your pension company is responsible for giving you access to your up-to-date individual pension account information and for offering you contractual services through the call center and the corporate website. Also, it is vital for your pension company to give you sound direction when choosing the right pension mutual fund. It is also crucial to have instant access to your pension company when you need it.
Make sure that your pension company meets your expectations on service variety and quality through your chosen communication channel.
In addition, your pension company;
can provide. For this reason, it is important to consider the additional benefits that may be offered to you when choosing a pension company.
D. Be careful about the blocking period.
Pension companies sign a service contract with banks regarding the payment of contributions. In accordance with the contract, by the end of the blocking period, banks transfer the money collected from participants to the pension company. The blocking period may vary from company to company.
Find out about the period between the date when your contribution payment is paid by your credit card or from your bank account and the date transferred into your individual pension account. The shorter this period, the sooner your contribution is invested and the sooner your state contribution is paid into your account.
A pension contract sets forth the procedures and principles and the parties' relevant rights and liabilities concerning:
Three types of pension contracts can be drawn up:
Once your pension company is identified, the company will recommend you a pension plan.
A pension plan basically involves the following:
and related calculations and other technical rules on pension contract implementation.
When deciding on your pension plan, it pays to take into consideration the deductions in the plan and past performance of the pension mutual funds offered in the plan.
You may also inquire if the funds offered in the plan are in line with your overall investment strategy and risk behavior and if the pension company offers additional services in the plan on top of the standard services.
Entrance Fee
If you do not have another contract in effect with the same pension company, except for an employer group pension certificate, your pension company may request an entrance fee during the drawing up of the contract. The entrance fee can be paid in advance, in installments to be paid within one year at the maximum, and/or paid partially in advance and partially deferred depending on the contract expiration date or with a deferred payment depending on the contract expiration date. The entrance fee is collected only during the first five years of the contract.
Management Fee Deductions
Your pension company may withdraw management fee from your contributions or from your accumulation within the first 5 years of your contract.
Deductions for Contribution Holiday
In the event of failing to make a payment into your account within three months of the due date of your contribution payment, it will be assumed that you have suspended your payments.
Upper Limits for the Entrance Fee, Management Fee Deduction, and Deductions for a Contribution Holiday
In the first five years of your contract, the total of your entrance fee, management fee deduction, and deduction for a contribution holiday cannot exceed 8.5 percent of the monthly gross minimum wage in effect during the first half of each relevant calendar year. No such deductions shall be made for the sixth year and beyond of your contract.
In the event of terminating your contract before five years, except due to retirement or involuntary reasons, the company may apply a deferred entry fee deduction to your individual pension account accumulation in an amount that corresponds to the five-year period of your contract that has not been collected by the company by your withdrawal date.
Your pension company is responsible for ensuring that the deductions made each year in the first five years of your contract do not go over the aforementioned deduction upper limits. In the event that the upper limit has been exceeded, the excess amount shall be refunded to you within five working days.
Fund Expense Fee Total
Fund portfolio value: Calculated in consequence of appraisal of the assets in the fund portfolio pursuant to the provisions of Regulation on Amendment of the Regulation on the Establishment and Operation Principles of Pension Mutual Funds.
Total fund value: Calculated by adding other assets and receivables, if any, to the fund value and then subtracting the payables.
Net fund asset value: Total value calculated by adding cash and fund receivables to the portfolio value and then subtracting the payables.
Unit fund value: Calculated by dividing the net asset value by the number of shares in circulation.
Your pension company may apply the following based on the fund portfolio value:
The fund management fee deduction is the fee paid to the pension company for fund management purposes.
Pension companies are free to set the fund management fees provided that they do not exceed the fund expense fee total. Please click to review in detail how the deduction is calculated.
The fund expense fee total is obtained from the fund assets, and as such it causes the fund income to decrease. This deduction is made daily from the fund portfolio value, not from the participant's accumulation. Total fund management fee deductions made throughout the year may exceed the fund expense fee total that can be made within the year.
The fund expense fee total is obtained from the fund assets, and as such it causes the fund income to decrease. This deduction is made daily from the fund portfolio value, not from the participant's accumulation. Total fund management fee deductions made throughout the year may exceed the fund expense fee total that can be made within the year.
For instance, if a 10-percent annual value increase occurs in the assets on which a fund with an annual fee deduction of 2.28 percent is invested, this fund’s annual return would be about 7.72 percent due to the deductions. Similarly, if a 10-percent annual value increase occurs in the assets on which a fund with an annual fee deduction of 1 percent is invested, this fund’s annual return would be about 9 percent due to the deductions.
The following table shows the maximum fund expense fee totals allowed.
The participant must assess the pension mutual fund plans according to personal preferences, fund performance and the fund management fee deduction rates.
Maximum Fund Expense Fee Total Rates |
Group |
Pension Mutual Funds |
Maximum daily fund expense fee total ratio |
Maximum annual fund expense fee total ratio (%) |
I |
Money Market Funds |
0.003% |
1.09 |
II |
Bonds and Bills Funds |
0.00525% |
1.91 |
Equity Fund |
0.00625% |
2.28 |
Explanations on the table:
* According to the wording in the fund title, if more than one rate applies in the annual total fee rates in attachment 2 of the Individual Pension System Regulation, the lower rate shall apply.
For example: The title of the Gold Participation Pension Mutual Fund bears the words “Gold” and “Participation.” Attachment 2 of the Individual Pension System Regulation states the annual total fee rate as 1.09 percent for the Gold Fund and as 2.28 percent for the Participation Fund (grouped in Equity/Other Funds). Accordingly, a 1.09-percent rate must be used for this fund.
* The CMB shall be authorized to change the fund grouping with approval of the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency.
* The funds’ regular public disclosure form on the PDP must show the distribution rate of the fund management fee between the founder and the portfolio manager.
* The founder checks daily if the daily deduction rate stated in the fund bylaw is exceeded and enters it in the accounting records. If the founder determines that the accumulative calculation of the daily rates stated in the fund bylaw are exceed in comparison to the daily average fund net asset value, it shall refund the excess amount within five working days following the relevant calendar year.
Refund of the Fund Expense Fee Total
To be valid by January 1, 2021, the rates in the following table shall apply for the refund of the deduction made in the relevant year at the contract’s sixth year-end and at each following year-end. In the event of contract termination, the refund shall be made to you by the end of the fifth following working day. The contract duration shall be calculated based on the time spent in the system after January 1, 2013. Refund calculation shall not include the performance deduction by the pension mutual funds and the deductions made to pay for the necessary fund expenses.
Contract Year |
Refund Rate |
6 |
2.5% |
7 |
5.0% |
8 |
7.5% |
9 |
10.0% |
10 |
12.5% |
11 |
15.0% |
12 |
17.5% |
13 |
20.0% |
14 |
22.5% |
15 and over |
25.0% |
No refund will be applied to any portion less than 1.1% of accumulation existing as of the date of deduction calculation; any deduction that reduces the deduction balance remaining after a refund below 1.1% of the accumulation will not be subject to any refund.
Please click here for an example.
Pension companies are entitled to set a minimum amount of contribution in their pension plans. The contribution amount you will pay this way must be at least equal to the lower limit stated in your plan.
Irregular Payment
If you fail to pay your contribution within 3 months following the due date, your contract shall be considered in the irregular payment status.
In order to take your pension contract out of the irregular payment status, you may have to pay the full amount of your unpaid contractual contribution dues in one lump-sum. Pension companies may waive the contractual requirement to pay all unpaid contribution dues in one lump-sum by providing favorable benefits in their pension plans.
Beginning January 1, 2021, pension contracts with an irregular payment status will not be included in the total deduction amount refund practice.
Special Services Provided by Pension Companies / Additional Benefits
Your pension company may provide you with:
Find out the coverage and expiration dates of such services and benefits provided as part of your retirement plan from your pension company.
Deduction Controls and Refunds Applicable Beginning January 1, 2021
If you terminate your pension contract in the 6th year or after, the total deduction that can be made within the scope of your contract cannot exceed the following ratio of the balance of the state contribution account associated with your contract upon the expiry date. This check will be implemented on January 1, 2021.
In the event that the upper limit has been exceeded, the excess amount shall be refunded to you within five working days.
Contract Year |
Refund Rate |
6 |
60% |
7 |
70% |
8 |
80% |
9 |
90% |
10 and over |
100% |
Click here for an example.
Situations Where Deduction Refunds Will Not Be Considered Beginning January 1, 2021
The deduction upper limit associated with the state contribution to be applied beginning January 1, 2021 will not be checked
exceeding 10 times the annual gross minimum wage.
In calculating the amount of accumulations, the monthly gross minimum wage amount applicable in the first 6 months of the relevant calendar year shall be used.
If you are conscious about interest, you can join pension plans with the phrase "participation" in their title offered by the pension companies that operate on a participation-base or offer participation-based products, and invest in no-interest participation funds.
Participation funds complying with Islamic principles include various instruments such as gold and other precious metals, stocks complying with the participation index and participation banking principles, and no-interest securities investment funds.
You can also buy and sell participation funds offered by pension companies other than the pension company with which you have a contract, via the Individual Pension Fund Trading Platform (BEFAS).
Concluding the Pension Contract
The agent contacting you about IPS products will brief you on the operation of the system and the rights and obligations of the parties. He or she will offer you the pension plan that meets your retirement expectations, income level and age.
The fund distribution will be determined based on your preferences. If you do not state any preferences, your accumulation will be invested in the standard funds determined by the pension company.
By accepting the proposed pension plan and signing the contract completing the “Entrance Information Form,” and the “Pension Contract Proposal Form,” you will have concluded the contract. You will be provided with a copy of each such document.
You are entitled to purchase the IPS product that is right for you through the website or call center of the pension company.
The pension company will brief you on the operation of the system and the rights and obligations of the parties and offer you the pension plan proposal that meets your retirement expectations.
During the proposal phase, you will be informed about the standard fund and other funds and action will be taken depending on your preference. If you do not state any preferences, your accumulations will be directed to investments in the standard fund. You will have concluded the contract by confirming that the proposal includes the necessary information about the pension contract, the pension plan and the system, through electronic communication means (text message, electronic mail, internet, fax, and so on).
Immediately after the approval process, the “Entrance Information Form" and the "Pension Contract Proposal Form" will be sent to you either in printed form or on a permanent data store (text message, electronic mail, internet, CD, DVD, memory card and similar media or media) in line with your preferences. You will also be allowed to access these forms through a secure address on the Internet website.
If your pension contract is not rejected by your pension company, then it will take effect on the date the first payment made as a contribution is credited to the accounts of the company after the blocking period, if any.
Your pension company is required to send you your pension contract within 10 working days of the effective date either in printed form or on a permanent data store (text message, electronic mail, internet, CD, DVD, memory card and similar media or media).
As a rule, in individual pension contracts and group pension contracts, contractual benefits are used by the participant. Except for the right to leave the system and the right to retire, the employer or other persons who pay contributions on behalf of the participant may be allowed to use the benefits under these contracts.
You are entitled to use your right of opt out during the grace period within two months of signing the pension contract proposal form or approving the proposal for distant sale.
Opt out before validity:Upon receipt of your withdrawal notice by your pension company, your previously given contribution instructions will be canceled.
Opt out after validity: The withdrawal instructions given on the working day following the receipt of your withdrawal notice by your pension company will be canceled and the accumulations in your Individual Pension Account will be refunded except for the fund total expense fees within 10 working days of the receipt of your notice by your pension company. If you withdraw after your contract enters into force, a withholding (tax) will be deducted from any income earned.
Twelve times a year you are entitled to make changes to the allocation ratios of the funds where your accumulations and the contributions you have paid are invested. For each fund distribution change request, you can select a maximum of 20 funds, including funds offered through BEFAS.
You can buy and sell funds from other pension companies through the Pension Fund Trading Platform (BEFAS).
Through the BEFAS Information Platform established by our institution, you can learn about various funds and evaluate and compare your options.
You can sign in to the secure page created on your pension company’s website and/or mobile application to submit your fund re-allocation request and view and select from several BEFAS funds.
You can access detailed information on BEFAS here.
Please note that you must report your fund allocation change request to your pension company at least 2 working days in advance of the change date!
Please click here for more information about pension funds.
You may change your retirement plan up to four times a year. You may forward your change request in writing to your pension company or through the pension company call center or on the company’s website. If your pension company approves your request, you will switch over to the new pension plan within 10 working days of notifying the company about your plan change request. Your new pension contract will be sent to you within 10 working days, either in printed form or on a permanent data store (text message, CD, DVD, memory card and all kinds of vehicles or media).
You may change your contribution amount and payment period during the pension contract under the plan you subscribed.
However, pension companies are also entitled to set a minimum amount of contribution to their pension plans. The contribution amount you will pay this way must be at least equal to the lower limit stated in your plan.
In addition to your regular contribution payments, you may also pay any additional contributions you wish to make at any time.
Keep in mind that in many plans, lower management fees are applied for additional contributions and that no management fees are applied in some plans.
You may also suspend making contribution payments and restart them at any time. In the event of failing to make any payments to your account within 3 months of the due date of your contribution payment, it will be assumed that you have suspended your payments.
Depending on your plan, your pension company may charge you additional management fees in case of a contribution holiday.
In order to change your pension company, you have to stay in the pension company for at least two years from the effective date of your contract. If you have already transferred to your current pension company from another pension company, you may then change your company after staying with your current company for at least one year.
You may leave the system at any time within the term of your pension contract, but in this case you will not be able to fully benefit from the retirement tax benefits and the state contributions you would otherwise be earning.
When you leave the IPS, you will be paid:
of the balance in your state contribution account.
The withholding (tax) rate calculated over the return will be:
With the exception of alimony payments, no collection by sequestration, encumbrance or bankruptcy proceedings shall be granted on the fund shares invested in your individual pension account, on your accumulations up to the amount calculated by multiplying the number of months you have stayed in the system and the gross minimum wage applicable at the time of collection by sequestration, encumbrance or bankruptcy proceedings and on the annuity payments you will be receiving in the event of retirement under the individual pension system.
For example, assuming that a participant who has been in the system for 120 months has accumulated 4,000,000 Turkish lira and the monthly gross minimum wage on the date of foreclosure is 26,005.5 Turkish lira, then the amount of this participant's accumulations of 3,120,660 Turkish lira (120 x 26,005.5 Turkish lira) will not be sequestered.
For example, assuming that a pensioner who has retired under the IPS receives 30,000 Turkish lira per month from the annuity insurance and the monthly gross minimum wage is 26,005.5 Turkish lira on the date of foreclosure, then the 26,005.5 Turkish lira portion of the 30,000 Turkish lira paid per month will not be subject to any sequestration.
Your personal information will not be shared with third parties without your consent as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data published in Official Gazette No. 29677 dated April 7, 2016.
In the event of your death, your accumulations and state contributions and vested returns will be paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries you have indicated in the contract, and if no beneficiary is defined, then to your legal heirs, without prejudice to the provisions of Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 dated November 22, 2001. (For detailed information, you can review the article titled “21. What are the actions to be carried out by the heirs of the participant in the event of death?” of this guide.)
In the event of your death, your pension company cannot collect deferred entry fees from your accumulations.
The individual pension account offers the opportunity to build your accumulations over a long period of time. For the future of your children who are not of legal capacity, you may open up an account in your own name and assign your children as the beneficiaries.
You may open an IPS account in the name of your close relatives and pay their contributions yourself. Because the State contribution limit is determined on a per-person basis, contributions paid to your relatives’ accounts will not affect your State contribution limit. You may have your parents, siblings, spouse, children and other people you value benefit from this opportunity.
If you have high savings (i.e., if you are able to save over the contribution amount you have to pay to take full advantage of the State contribution’s upper limit, which is 312,066 Turkish lira for 2025 and you want to make the most out of the State contribution, then you may open separate accounts for yourself and your family members.
For example, if your annual savings amount for 2025 is 900,000 Turkish lira, then you may open a separate account on behalf of your spouse your child. Thus, a total State contribution of 270,000 Turkish lira would paid to the IPS accounts of you and your family members. If you have paid the said 900,000 Turkish lira into your own account as an investment in the IPS, then only 93,619.8 Turkish lira would have been deposited to your State contribution account.
Amount of Contribution to be Paid to Benefit from State Contribution’s Upper Limit (*) |
Your Suggested Payment For Contributions |
State Contribution Amount to be Paid |
Yourself |
312,066 TL |
312,066 TL |
93,619.8 TL |
Your spouse |
312,066 TL |
312,066 TL |
93,619.8 TL |
Your Child |
312,066 TL |
275,868 TL |
82,760.4 TL |
Total |
936,198 TL |
900,000 TL |
270,000 TL |
* The gross minimum wage in 2025 is 26,005.5 TL. The annual contribution amount that has to be paid per person in order to take full advantage of the state contribution’s upper limit is 26,005.5 * 12 = 312,066 TL.
Information about your accumulations can be obtained at any time via the BES Mobile application provided by the Pension Monitoring Center or your pension company’s call center and website.
At least two years before your entitlement to your pension, your pension company will make a proposal to you allowing you to assess your transition to low-risk funds to ensure that your accumulations are less affected by financial market risks.
Within 10 working days of each accounting period, your pension company will send to your defined e-mail address or fax, and if you have not provided one, then to your postal address, an informational note about the important changes made to the legislation and to your pension plan along with an account statement.
In every quarter of the calendar year, information will be provided either through e- mail or the pension company’s website on general information about investment vehicles, up-to-date developments in financial markets, investment and performance information on the funds offered, and any investment and other financial risks that you may be exposed to.
You can easily access all your contracts with pension companies in the Individual Pension System (IPS) via the BES Mobile application.
With the BES Mobile application, you can easily access many information such as total savings in the system, State contribution amount, State contribution entitlement rate, historical development of your savings, retirement date, personalized estimated retirement income and savings amount, distribution of your savings according to fund types, risk value of your fund portfolio, your child's individual pension accounts, the accounts of your relatives to whom you inherit.
You can easily log in to the application with your e-State user profile without having to define a new username and a password. You can download the BES Mobile application to your mobile devices free of charge via Google Play and App Store.
Click to download the application to your iOS device.
Click to download the application to your Android device.
Within the framework of the principles set out in the Regulation on Partial Payment in the Individual Pension System published on September 26, 2023, it is possible to partially withdraw the savings without terminating the contract.
1. In what cases can savings be partially withdrawn?
In cases of marriage, house purchase and natural disaster, participants can receive a portion of their savings without terminating their contracts.
2. Can partial payment be requested for all pension contracts?
No. Partial payment cannot be requested from employer group pension contracts, automatic enrollment contracts, contracts subject to seizure or pledge, and contracts subject or receivable transfer contract. Partial payment may be requested for savings in individual pension contracts and group individual pension contracts.
3. What are the conditions for receiving partial payment?
In order to use the right to receive partial payment;
*For partial payment applications to be made in case of a natural disaster, conditions regarding the duration of stay in the system and contribution amounts are not required.
*To benefit from the right to receive partial payment; a commitment is made not to leave the system for three years.
4. How many times can the right of partial payment be used?
A participant can use the right to partial payment once for each of the specified cases (marriage, house purchase, natural disaster), and there must be a period of at least 5 years between each partial payment, except for natural disasters.
5. Is there a limit to the amount that can be received under partial payment?
Yes, a partial payment of up to 50% of the savings can be received.
In cases of marriage and house purchase, a State contribution of 20%, and in case of a natural disaster, up to 25% of the paid amount can be received.
6. How to apply for partial payment?
Participants who want to apply for partial payment must completely fill out and sign the "partial payment request form", which they can obtain from the secure page created for them on the private pension company's website, and then send it to the private pension company by mail or via approved electronic communication methods. The result of acceptance or rejection of the partial payment application (with justification) is notified to the participant via electronic communication tools within three business days from the date the request form reaches the company. If the application is accepted, the partially paid amount will be paid to the participant's account by the company within ten business days from the date the application form reaches the company.
7. What are the documents required?
In Case of Marriage; The participant is required to submit to the pension company a copy of the civil registration showing the date of marriage (with the verification code and barcode generated by the e-Government system) which confirms the participant got married within two months before the application date or within two months from the partial payment date.
In Case of House Purchase: The participant shall submit to the company a copy of the title deed document (with verification code and barcode produced by the webtapu system provided by the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre) establishing a condominium or floor easement showing at least fifty percent ownership share of the house purchased in his/her name, up to two months before the application date or within two months from the date of partial payment.
If these documents are not submitted during the partial payment application, the amount to be paid from the State contribution account and the part that exceeding 10/3 times the amount in the participant's State contribution account of the amount to be paid from the participant's savings will be paid if the documents are submitted within two months.
In Case of Natural Disaster: In the regions where a natural disaster has been declared affecting public life, participants who are damaged by the disaster can apply for partial payment by submitting a copy of the document announced by the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency to the pension company within six months following the date of the disaster.
Partial Payment in the IPS |
Marriage & House Purchase |
Natural Disaster |
Term Requirement |
5 Years |
There is no term requirement. |
Contribution Payment Requirement |
5 x Monthly gross minimum wage valid on the application date |
There is no requirement to pay contribution. |
Partial Payment Amount That Can Be Received |
50% of Savings |
50% of Savings |
State Contribution Rate That Can Be Received |
20% of the partial payment amount |
25% of the partial payment amount |
Method of Receiving Partial Payment | Lump-sum Payment | Lump-sum Payment |
Time to Stay in the System After Partial Payment | 3 Years | 3 Years |
Documents Required for Application |
For the house purchase: a copy of the title deed document (with verification code and barcode produced by the webtapu system provided by the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre) establishing a condominium or floor easement showing at least fifty percent ownership share of the house purchased For the marriage: a copy of the civil registration showing the date of marriage with the verification code and barcode generated by the e-Government system |
a copy of the document announced by the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency |
8. What happens if the required documents are not submitted within the required time period after partial payment is received or if the circumstances subject to partial payment do not occur?
After receiving partial payment for the purchase of a house or marriage, if the documents required for the application are not submitted within two months from the date of partial payment, the right to partial payment is deemed to have been used unduly. An amount equal to 30% of the paid amount is taken from the participant's State contribution account and returned to the Ministry.
9. What happens if the commitment to stay in the system is not fulfilled after partial payment is received?
If the commitment to stay in the system for 3 years is not fulfilled after the partial payment for marriage, housing and natural disaster situations, the State contribution amount paid within the scope of the partial payment is deducted from the amount to be paid to the participant with interest calculated according to the late payment interest rate and paid to the tax office.
10. Can a transfer be made for a contract that is subject to partial payment?
Contracts subject to partial payment may be subject to transfer three months after the partial payment date.
With the article 26/C of the Regulation of the Private Pension System, went into effect on September 28, 2023, it has become possible to pledge IPS savings as collateral through the transfer of receivables in the use of bank loans and it started to be implemented as of June 3, 2024. All processes regarding the transfer of receivables are carried out through the platform provided by the Pension Monitoring Center.
With this amendment, you can transfer to banks all or a part of your receivables, excluding the state contribution from your individual pension contracts, through a receivable transfer contract. However, contracts subject to administrative and legal claims regarding fund shares, such as cautionary judgment, seizure, bankruptcy and pledge, and noncontributory group contracts, contracts whose transfer or termination processes are ongoing, contracts established by transfer but not more than 6 months after the transfer, contracts with ongoing commitments within the scope of partial payment, and contracts within the scope of pension income plan cannot be transferred.
By the decision of the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Board, the transferred amount will continue to be invested in the Transfer of Receivables Fund of Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik A.Ş for participants who are not interest sensitive. For participants who are conscious about interest, it will be invested the Participation Based Transfer of Receivables Fund of Türkiye Hayat ve Emeklilik A.Ş.
After your loan debt is paid off, your receivable transfer contract ends, and your savings are re-invested in your preferred funds as part of your individual pension contract. If you default on at least two consecutive installments of your loan debt and do not make payment at the end of the at least 30-day period given by your bank to pay the unpaid installments, your debt will become due. If your loan debt is not paid and becomes due, the bank may request to collect the debt from the transferred receivable 30 days after the due date. In this case, your IPS contract is terminated and the remaining amount from your savings is paid to you after your debt to the bank is paid off.
In the event that a transfer contract is drawn up:
Duration/Business Days Specified in the Legislation | When a participant whose voluntary IPS account is with Pension Company A wishes to transfer his/her savings to Pension Company B, he/she performs the following procedures, respectively: |
Ten business days from the date on which the transfer documents are submitted to the relevant company by the requesting party | 1. The participant* sends the transfer request in writing or by electronic means to company A, the company with the IPS account. |
2. Upon receipt of the transfer request, company A sends the account statement, transfer information form, and request form to the requester by electronic means within five business days and makes it available to the requester from the secure area on the website. | |
3. The requester applies to company B by mail or electronic means with the account statement, transfer information form, and request form. | |
4. If the transfer request is deemed appropriate, Company B proposes a plan to the requester and provides basic information on matters that may affect the transfer decision, particularly the deductions in the plan. For the transfer of the savings under the requester’s contract with company A and the amounts in the state contribution account to company B, the contract must remain with the company for at least two years from the effective date, excluding those arranged with a transfer from another company. If the requester’s contract with company A was also arranged by transfer, he/she must stay with company A for at least one year for the contract to be available for transfer again. Upon meeting these conditions, the fields specified in the transfer request form must be filled in completely. | |
5. In case the plan offered by company B is preferred by the requester, the entrance information form and the pension contract proposal form prepared for the transfer process are signed by the requester or approved by electronic means, and sent to the relevant company. | |
6. Company B starts the transfer process by registering the transfer information on the Digital Transfer Platform established by the PMC on the business day following the date of receipt of the request at the latest. | |
7. Within the nine business days following the registration of the transfer information on the Digital Transfer Platform by company B, the savings of the requester and the amount in the state contribution account, if any, is transferred to company B by company A. | |
8. If the contract with company B is a new contract, it becomes effective on the date the savings are transferred. |
(*) If the participant’s IPS account in company A is a noncontributory group certificate, the full amount of his/her savings if he/she is entitled to all of the savings, and the amount he/she is entitled to from the savings in his/her account if he/she is not entitled to all of the savings can be transferred to the group individual contract or to the individual pension contract by transfer, excluding automatic participation certificates with company A or B that are in effect or newly issued. In case the participant’s savings are transferred upon entitlement, the current certificate is not terminated, and the employer or sponsor may continue to pay the contribution. In case of transfer before the end of the vesting period to full savings, the current certificate is terminated, and the participant loses his/her rights regarding vesting period for the terminated certificate.
Note: The forms you will access from this page are examples of the forms in the Circular on the Individual Pension System (2016/39) and are provided for informational purposes only. For transfer transactions, you must obtain your documents from the relevant pension company.
Pension companies can offer you different payment tools for your contribution payments. Some of these are summarized below.
In order for your contribution payments to be made using your bank account number, you must have a defined account in the relevant bank.
Pension companies sign a service contract with banks regarding the payment of contributions. Banks will transfer the money collected from participants to the pension company at the end of the blocking period indicated in the service contract, in accordance with the said contracts. The blocking period may vary from company to company. In this situation, the contributions you have paid will be deposited at the end of the relevant blocking period.
Amounts equal to 30 percent of the contribution payments you have made since January 22, 2022, will be paid as a state contribution into your state contribution account.
State Contribution Limit
A State contribution is paid into your account equal to 30 percent of the contributions you have paid into the IPS. However, there is an annual upper limit for this amount. A participant can benefit from the State contribution for the contribution payments up to the total amount of the gross minimum wage determined for the relevant year within a calendar year. The contribution amount to be paid in order to benefit from the 2025 State contribution upper limit is 312,066 TL. Contribution payments exceeding the aforementioned limit will be considered in the calculation of the State contribution as carryover contribution shares transferred to the company accounts on the first day of each year. The State contribution limit is calculated on a per participant basis.
State Contribution Vesting Ratios
Depending on the time spent in the system, you will be entitled to state contributions into your individual pension state contribution account in the following ratios:
Additional time has been granted to participants who joined the system before January 1, 2013, so that it can be taken into account in calculating their entitlement periods for state contributions.
If the time spent in the system before January 1, 2013
the respective contractual periods.
Subject |
The Transaction to be Performed and the Legal Deadline Set for the Completion of This Transaction |
Refund of the payments you have made due to rejection of your request for a contract |
If your request for a contract is rejected by the pension company, then the payment instructions must be canceled and all the payments you have made must be refunded within 5 working days of the rejection date, without any deductions. |
Sending you your pension contract |
Your pension contract should be sent to you within 10 working days of the effective date either in printed form or on a permanent data store (text message, electronic mail, Internet, CD, DVD, memory card and similar means or media) depending on your choice. |
Using your right of opt out in the grace period |
You have the right of opt out in the grace period within 2 months of the signing of the proposal form or of approving it electronically. Your payment instructions will be canceled on the working day following the receipt of your withdrawal notification by your pension company. The accumulations in your individual pension account, including all other deductions except for the fund expense fee total, must be refunded to you within 10 working days of serving your notification to the pension company. |
Investing your contribution payments |
The contributions you have paid or your accumulations transferred from another pension company must be allocated among the selected funds at the latest on the second working day following the transfer to the company. |
Using your right to change fund allocations |
Your pension company is required to submit the relevant fund trading instructions within 2 working days of receiving your request for the fund allocation change sent to the company. |
Transferring your pension contract to another company |
For the savings under a pension contract and the amounts in the state contribution account to be transferred to another company, the contract must remain with the company for at least two years from the effective date. The contract that was drawn up through transfer from another company must have remained with the same company for at least one year before it can be transferred again. |
Your request to withdraw from the system |
You can end your contract at any time to leave the IPS. For this, you should apply to the pension company with whom you want to end your contract. When your application is received, your pension company will ask you to complete the "Withdrawal Request Form.” The accumulations in your individual pension account must be paid within 20 working days of the date the withdrawal form is received by your company. In determining the amount to be paid, provisions of the relevant legislation and contract apply. |
Informing you about the risks of your investments before your entitlement to your pension |
To ensure that your accumulations are less affected by the risks of the financial markets, your pension company will send you a written recommendation at least 2 years before you qualify for retirement. You are not required to accept this recommendation. |
Using your pension entitlement |
Once you are entitled to retirement, you can leave the IPS by using the right to retire at any time. In this context, you must apply to the pension company with whom you want to use your retirement entitlement. When your application is received, your pension company will ask you to complete the “Retirement Request Form,” and the “Information Form,” and the “Information Form,” and send you an “Account Statement.” If you do not have any other contracts with other pension companies, then your accumulations will be paid to you, either partially or fully depending on the payment schedule you choose, within 10 working days of the receipt of the retirement request form by the pension company. If you have contracts with more than one pension company, then the pension process will start after the account consolidation process is completed, except in the case of your contracts having been established under the AES. |
Consolidating your contracts in different companies for retirement |
If you have contracts in multiple pension companies and you qualify for retirement from at least one of them, then you have to consolidate all your accounts into any pension company you choose with the exception of your contracts established under the AES. In this context, you must apply to the pension company with whom you want to use your retirement entitlement. Within two working days of the receipt your retirement request, the pension company will apply for consolidation of accounts to other pension companies holding your pension contracts. The pension company applied to for account consolidation reasons will complete all your account consolidation transactions within 10 working days of receiving the relevant consolidation request. |
Receiving notifications in the event that your employer / sponsor fails to pay you under your employer group pension contract or group-based individual contract |
If your employer / sponsor fails to pay you any mandatory contribution dues within 30 days of the relevant due dates, then you should be notified within no later than 5 working days. |
In order to retire, you must attain the age of 56 and have stayed in the system for 10 years from the date of your first entry into the system.
If you have more than one pension contract and you are entitled to retirement under one of these contracts, you can apply for retirement from one of the companies with which you have contracts in force.
When you apply for retirement, your pension company will send you the “Retirement Request Form,” and the “Information Form,” and send you an “Account Statement,” for you to complete. The retirement information form contains information about continuation and retirement options, as well as sample financial projections and information on the requirement of consolidation of all contracts to be able to use the right to retire.
If you request to receive the full amount of your accumulations and state contribution, then the pension company will pay you within 10 working days of receiving your request.
If you have contracts with more than one pension company, then the pension process will start after the account consolidation process is completed, except in the case of your contracts having been established under the AES. The company completes the retirement transactions within ten business days following the completion of the account consolidation.
Once you earn and use the right to retire,
If you have received all of your accumulations, then you will be considered to have left the IPS.
If your contributions are paid by your employer or company, then you must wait for the length of time specified in your contract to qualify for the amount of accumulation in your account. This period varies from 0 to 7 years. The minimum entitlement rates to be applied depending on the years are as follows:
Minimum Entitlement Percentage by Contract Year (%)
For How Long Have You Had Your Contract |
Duration Defined in Your Contract to Qualify For All Your Accumulations (Year) |
<1 |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
0 |
100 |
1 |
0 |
100 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
75 |
100 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
60 |
80 |
100 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
100 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
100 |
Any balances in the custodial accounts of
which were held since January 1, 2021, and were deposited as savings and retirement-related undertakings in Turkey or abroad, could had been transferred to the Individual Pension system fully or partially until December 31, 2023.
No entrance fees will be charged for the transfer from a participant who has signed a pension contract.
If the amount transferred in this manner and the time earned with respect to the transfer amount is less than the amount of time of the member or employee in the pension commitment plan, no state contribution can be paid for the amounts paid to the relevant pension company within one year from the effective date of the pension contract for each missing month. Accordingly, transferring members cannot leave the system for a reason other than disability or death within three (3) years of the transfer date.
In the event of the participant’s death, the beneficiary(ies) stated in the contract, or if the contract does not specify any beneficiaries, the legal heirs, may legally request from the pension company to receive the savings in the individual pension account, including all state contributions. If you do not know whether the people to whom you are a legal heir has a pension contract, or if there is a contract (IPS savings) but you do not know with which company, you may find out through the "Individual Pension Contracts Inquiry (On Behalf of the Person You Are Heir to)" service offered through the BES Mobile application or e-Government. You can inquire which pension companies the person you inherit from has a contract with by verifying your inheritance relationship by the institution from which you received the certificate of inheritance and entering the TR Identity Number of the person you inherit from. Inquiries can be made for certificates of Inheritance received from the Court - Ministry of Justice after 16/12/2016, and from the Notary - Notaries Union of Türkiye after 02/06/2021. You can get information by submitting your certificate of inheritance obtained before these dates to the PMC via the "Contact Us" page on the PMC Corporate Website.
Pension companies request the following to process the claims of the beneficiaries or legal heirs of the deceased:
You can contact your pension company to get the full list of documents they request.
Within 20 business days of the request for payment of the savings by the beneficiary(ies) or legal heirs, the company pays the remaining amount to the beneficiary(ies) or legal heir(s), after deducting a 5-percent income tax on the participant’s savings.
However, according to the provisions of the “Law on Restructuring of Certain Receivables and Amendment of Certain Laws” dated March 12, 2023, the heirs of the participants who died due to the earthquake on February 6, 2023, in the zones that are part of the force majeure declared by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance are exempt from income tax.
If the savings of the deceased participant are paid to their beneficiaries or legal heirs, the payment will be subject to inheritance and gift tax. You can find more on this tax in the “22. What Inheritance and Gift Taxes Apply If the Savings Are Paid to the Beneficiaries or Legal Heirs?” section of this Guide.
In case of the participant’s death, the savings and, if any, the money in the state contribution account is paid to the beneficiaries and legal heirs stated in the pension contract, without prejudice to the provisions of Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, dated November 22, 2001.
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, his/her savings and state contributions, if any, are subject to the inheritance and gift tax. Accordingly, an income tax of 5 percent will be withheld on the income earned by the deceased participant, and the remaining portion will be subject to inheritance and gift tax. After the deduction of the tax exemptions, the portion that is passed on to the heirs or beneficiaries at the relevant inheritance shares will be taxed according to the rates determined in the tariff.
It refers to the gratuitous acquisition of the value determined by the individual pension and automatic participation system by the beneficiaries or legal heirs through inheritance (succession) or other means during the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement.
According to individual pension contracts, after the natural or accidental death of the insured, the insurance company must do the following:
After being taxed as an earning on movable assets pursuant to Article 75 of the Income Tax Law, the amount must be subjected to the inheritance and gift tax.
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, the legal heirs acquiring by inheritance or, in case the employee has appointed a third person who is not an heir as the beneficiary, the beneficiaries acquiring property gratuitously.
Additionally, the participant may choose to register his/her legal heirs as beneficiaries of the individual pension contract. In the event of a donation of goods to a person from his/her mother, father, spouse and children (except for donations from the adopted to adopting parents), the tax is calculated by applying half of the rates in the tariff regarding donations.
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, the taxpayers who have made out their inheritance and gift tax declarations due to the savings inherited or donated to them will determine the basis of the inheritance and gift tax for the first assessment in accordance with the values in the Tax Procedure Law of the gifted wealth. The tax base is obtained by subtracting the exemption amount determined by hereditary transmission or donation from the total of the assets acquired.
Accordingly, upon the death of the person participating in the individual pension system, the tax base to be calculated for his/her savings (contribution, contribution margin, state contribution and state contribution margin) will be the current value of the assets subject to donation, which is the basis of the tax assessment on the day of the taxable event.
The various debts and expenses that can be deducted in determining the inheritance and gift tax base are as follows:
For these debts and expenses to be deducted in the determination of the tax base, it is obligatory for the taxpayers to show them in the relevant section of the declaration and attach the relevant documents to the declaration.
The tax tariff is arranged based on double tariff for inheritance and donations, with a double incremental rate. There are increasing rates for donations in one part of the tariff and increasing rates for inheritances in the other. On the other hand, the increasing proportionality regarding the bases exceeding the amount in the last bracket is turned into a fixed rate.
The tax base brackets of the tax tariff are applied with annual increases at the revaluation rate determined in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law based on the previous year. Fractions that do not exceed 5 percent of the brackets calculated in this manner are not taken into account. The President is authorized to increase or decrease these determined amounts by half.
Tax Base | Tax Rate (%) | |
Hereditary Transmissions |
Donations | |
For the first 1,100,000 TRY | 1 | 10 |
For the next 2,600,000 TRY | 3 | 15 |
For the next 5,500,000 TRY | 5 | 20 |
For the next 10,900,000 TRY | 7 | 25 |
For the portion of the base exceeding 20,100,000 TRY | 10 | 30 |
(The tariff changed as of January 1, 2023 with the General Communiqué on Inheritance and Gift Tax Law No. 54)
However, according to the provisions of the “Law on Restructuring of Certain Receivables and Amendment of Certain Laws” dated March 12, 2023, the individual pension savings hereditarily transmitted to the heirs of the participants who died due to the earthquake on February 6, 2023 are exempt from inheritance and gift tax.
For the legal heirs of the participant or his/her appointed beneficiaries, after receiving the inheritance tax declaration and the certificate of inheritance during the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement;
Declarations can be made to the relevant tax offices in person or sent via registered mail.
Hereditary Transmissions in General
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, the legal heirs of the participant will submit their declarations on the following dates:
Non-Hereditary Donations
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, the beneficiaries appointed by the participant submit their declarations within one month following the legal acquisition of the savings, and if any, the amounts in the state contribution account.
During the term of the pension contract or upon the death of the participant who is entitled to retirement, there is a two-stage assessment in the inheritance and gift tax to be paid by the legal heirs and/or the beneficiaries appointed by the participant. These are as follows:
Inheritance and gift tax is paid in three years from the date of accrual and in two equal installments in May and November each year, totaling six installments.
The taxpayers can deduct the documented debts of the deceased participant, the expenses incurred for the funeral equipment and curation, tax debts, as well as the amounts donated to the beneficiary and the amounts and tax debts related to these amounts from the tax base of the amounts they are entitled to.
According to subparagraph (o) of Article 4 of the General Communiqué on Inheritance and Gift Tax Law titled “Exemptions,” the vested portion of the state contributions made to the individual pension account under the Individual Pension Savings and Investment System Law No. 4632 dated March 28, 2001, are exempted from the inheritance and gift tax. It’s important to note that this regulation concerns the participants. If the part of the state contributions that the beneficiaries or legal heirs are entitled to is paid to them and they exceed the exemption limit, they will have to pay inheritance and gift tax.
A 5-percent deduction is made from the savings and state contributions of the participants who leave the system due to the amount of income included in the payments made to those who leave due to compulsory reasons such as death. In this case, since the duration of the participant’s stay in the system is not taken into account, the legal heirs and/or beneficiaries can be entitled to all of the state contributions of the deceased participants.
In the event of death, if you do not know whether the people to whom you are a legal heir have pension contracts or whether such contracts exist, but you do not know with which company, you may send your request to the PMC via the Contact Us page with a copy of your certificate of inheritance.
Contribution Amounts: 40,956.49 TRY
Fund Returns: 10,296.72 TRY
Total Savings: 51,253.21 TRY
1. If the participant has passed away and the spouse is the sole heir:
(Note: It is assumed that the participation receivables are determined with the division of matrimonial property, which is the priority legal transaction.) 35,195.80 TRY + 5,760.69 TRY = 40,956.49 TRY, no tax calculated on this amount. 8,746.37 TRY + 1,550.35 TRY = 10,296.72 TRY x 5% = 514.83 TRY (income tax amount) 10,296.72 TRY - 514.83 TRY = 9,781.89 TRY will be the net return. Amount Exempt From Inheritance and Gift Tax: 2,032,742 Turkish lira for the inheritance share of the spouse in case there are no inheriting descendants for the year 2023. Inheritance and Gift Tax Base: 0 TRY Inheritance and Gift Tax Payable: 0 TRY Amount left to the inheriting spouse: 40,956.49 TRY + 9,781.89 TRY =50,738.38 TRY.
2. If the participant has passed away and assigned another person as beneficiary with an inheritance contract:
35,195.80 TRY +5,760.69 TRY = 40,956.49 TRY, no tax calculated on this amount. 8,746.37 TRY + 1,550.35 TRY = 10,296.72 TRY x 5% = 514.83 TRY (income tax amount) 10,296.72 TRY - 514.83 TRY = 9,781.89 TRY net return. 40,956.49 TRY + 9,781.89 TRY = 50,738.38 TRY Amount left to the person assigned as beneficiary with an inheritance contract; 50,738.38 TRY - 23,387 TRY = 27,351.38 TRY IGT (inheritance and gift tax) base 27,351.38 -TRY x10%= 2,735.138 TRY Amount left to the beneficiary: 50,738.33 TRY - 2,735.138 TRY = 48,003.242 TRY.
The participant passed away on January 2, 2023. The heirs did not disclaim the inheritance within three months. The amount of savings of the participant: 2,500,000 Turkish lira. (Note: Firstly, it was ensured that the assets belonging to the deceased participant and the living spouse were determined, and that the goods that were determined to belong to the living spouse as a result of this division were not declared in the inheritance and gift tax return; income tax was withheld, and the reserved share of the spouse was preserved.)